Parenting With Psychology

Parenting With Psychology

Hosted by: Dr. Lindsay Emmerson

Ever wished you had a supportive and helpful parenting coach whispering tips in your ear during those trickiest parenting moments? Look no further! Welcome to Parenting With Psychology, the ultimate podcast hosted by...

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Prevent Tantrums and Meltdowns

Struggling with tantrums and meltdowns? Discover why consistency is key to better behavior in your toddler! In this episode, we will delve into the importance of consistency in preventing tantrums and meltdowns in...
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5 ESSENTIAL Products for Infant & Toddler Sleep Training

Struggling with sleepless nights and considering sleep training for your infant or toddler? You're in the right place! As a seasoned parenting coach and mother of four, I’ve guided countless parents to success with my...
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Parenting Tips for Talking to Your Teen About Relationships

In this episode, we will discuss effective parenting tips for talking to your teen about relationships. If you're wondering how to get your teen to open up and have meaningful conversations about dating and...
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Parent's Guide to Conquering Tantrums & Meltdowns | Toddler Parenting Tips

🙋🏽‍♂️🙋🏼‍♀️ Download your free copy of my guide, 5 Must-Have Tips for Better Behavior Today, to learn essential strategies you can start using today to markedly improve your child’s behavior:...
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How to Prepare Your Kids for Travel

Imagine this: You're planning a family trip, and the excitement is palpable, but so is the apprehension. How will the kids react to new environments, changes in routine, or long hours of travel? Enter behavioral...
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How to Instill Equality and Respect in Your Children

In a world as diverse and vibrant as ours, teaching children about equality is crucial. Imagine a society where every individual, regardless of their background, is treated with respect and dignity. This vision can...
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3 Tips to Get Your Kids Excited About Chores

In this episode, Dr. Lindsay Emmerson shares 3 tips to get your kids excited about chores. Learn how to create schedules for kids in the digital age! 🤩 Download the TaskieHusky app...
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Should I Let My Child Have Social Media?

Ever wonder if it's the right time for your child to dive into the social media world? As a parent, the decision weighs heavily on us. But fear not! In this episode, I've got you covered with everything you need to...
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What Is The Ideal Sleep Environment For Kids?

Dr. Lindsay Emmerson shares tips on creating the ideal sleep environment for kids. Learn how to promote better sleep habits and improve your child's overall well-being with intentional parenting strategies. Parenting...
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Three Words To Make Your Child Listen To You | Intentional Parenting

Learn how to navigate parenting in the digital age with Dr. Lindsay Emmerson's three powerful words that will help your child do what you ask. Get intentional parenting tips in this episode! Ever felt like your words...
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How to Parent a Bossy Child | The 5 C’s Parenting Framework

Parenting can sometimes feel like steering a ship through a storm, especially with assertive little leaders at the helm! Are you ready to transform potential conflicts into opportunities for growth and leadership? 🚀...
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How To Stop Yelling At Your Kids | This Phrase Helps

In this podcast episode, I’ll show you how to stop yelling at your kids and how this phrase helps. Enjoy! This video covers how to stop yelling at your kids along with the following subjects: - How to prevent parent...
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