Parenting With Psychology Masterclass:
Screen Time

There are many myths about the effects of screen time on young people, from the idea that it can be used regularly as a babysitter for busy parents to the idea that it can cause cognitive harm and, therefore, should be avoided altogether.  As a result, a great deal of uncertainty surrounds the topic.


You may be wondering…

  • When can your young child start watching TV or movies?
  • If it’s ok for your child to spend more than an hour a day on screens?
  • If your child plays violent video games, will that turn them into a violent person?
  • How can you keep your child safe online?
  • How do I actually set screen limits for my child?

Not knowing the answers to these questions can leave you feeling helpless.  Trying to sort out all the information on this huge topic of screen time can leave you feeling overwhelmed and confused.  Plus, even if you know the facts, how do you set up and enforce a manageable screen time plan for your family?

This Screen Time Masterclass is loaded with important information for parents of children of all ages to answer those burning questions and help you feel both prepared and confident about the screen time decisions you make for your family.


Why should you enroll in this Masterclass now?

We are parenting in a digital world, unlike anything our parents faced.  Screens are everywhere; the gaming options are endless, and the social media influences are intense.  Know the science and be prepared.  Don’t wait for a problem to arise and then try to fix it.

Screen time can have positive benefits for your kids, but there are some very real risks. You’ve been protecting your child their whole life, and by learning the pros and cons of screen time and some simple tricks to help manage their screen use safely, you can continue to help them navigate the world of digital media.


Hey, Amazing Parent!

Here's what you'll get when you sign up for my Screen Time Masterclass which runs 90 minutes and is made up of 5 pre-recorded lessons.

  • The course is self-paced, so you can work through the Masterclass when you have gaps in your daily schedule.
  • Each lesson in the Screen Time Masterclass is taught by me, Dr. Lindsay, and lays out my guide to managing digital media for your family.
  • My specialty is explaining psychology research in an easy-to-understand way to get you the information you need and blending that information with my action-based parent coaching style.
  • For just a $75 investment in your family, you can have the sense of ease that comes from knowing the facts about how screen time usage affects your children and what limitations should be set up for your family.
  • You can easily refer back to my lessons and handouts as your child continues to mature because you have lifetime access to this course.


"Parenting in the digital world is tough.  Equip yourself with knowledge and training to get ahead of the curve and prevent problems before they start."

~ Dr. Lindsay


Life is full of risks. Seeking parenting support shouldn’t be one of them.  Try the training for 30 days, and if you don’t have the knowledge and the understanding of how to implement a family screen time schedule that works for your family, simply show us how you implemented the program, and we’ll be happy to refund your entire purchase.


Enroll in the Screen Time Masterclass and Add-on Lesson on Social Media Now

When will your child be ready for social media?  This is a really important topic with a substantial amount of relevant research. 

I prepared a special add-on lesson to this Masterclass focusing on Social Media. I’ll give you all the facts about how social media can affect your child and very specific instructions on how to balance the pros and cons of social media in your family.

I answer all your burning questions, from, "When should I get my child a cell phone?" to, "Can I keep them off social media until they go to college?"  Parents, don’t forget that YouTube is a form of social media.  If your child is watching YouTube, you should definitely know the risks that go along with that and how to minimize them.

Act now.  For just $30, this highly informative add-on lesson will equip you with the knowledge and skills to help your child navigate the world of social media.

What clients are saying about the Social Media Add-on Lesson:

"Dr. Lindsay's Social Media Add-on Lesson was outstanding!  As a parent of two boys who are on the verge of entering into this next phase of engaging with social media, I greatly appreciated her review of the pros/cons, the importance of maintaining open communication, and guidelines for how and when to get them phones.  This lesson will be one I refer back to often!"

~ Scotti L.

Add-on Lesson on Social Media Now