Parenting With Psychology

Helping you build a set of parenting tools so you feel like an amazing parent ready to overcome your daily challenges.
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Remember to Make Your Parenting Fun ages 5 years - 11 years ages 6 months - 5 years check yourself consequences discipline humor learning problem solving Jul 27, 2023

Today, I have a short story for you that highlights the importance of having a variety of tools in your parenting toolbelt from which to choose when your child throws you a curve ball.  At the...

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How To Make Your Parenting More Fun | Fun With Kids ages 5 years - 11 years ages 6 months - 5 years check yourself humor problem solving routines Apr 27, 2023


The key to interacting with preschoolers is keeping things light and fun.  I credit my munchkins’ preschool teacher with bestowing on us the powerful tool of Mr. Handy: Make a...

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Amazing parenting is not about always saying
and doing the right thing and raising perfect children.  It’s about becoming intentional in your parenting and proactive in learning skills to help you parent more effectively in a way that fits best for your unique parent-child dynamics.

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